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car accident repair


When there is an auto collision, one of the main damages incurred is to the vehicles involved. However, certain steps need to be followed before you can get car accident repair.

With that said, if you are trying to figure out how to get car repair after accident collisions, follows the tips below:

  1. Call Your Insurance Provider

Get to a safe location shortly after a car accident occurs, then call the insurance agent with the other driver. When talking to the insurance rep, be prepared to provide your name, contact details, car registration, driver’s license number, and an incident description.

Also, speak with the insurance about what you should and should not do. Get advice on accepting guilt and the next steps to take after the accident.

  1. Select an Auto Body Shop

In the majority of states, insurance providers can’t legally tell you to pick a particular repair shop. However, a list of preferred mechanics is provided by some insurance providers. Just keep in mind that your lender may require you to select a shop from this list if you’re making car payments.

Otherwise, you have the right to choose where you want your vehicle to be fixed. If you partner with an auto shop in the network of your insurance company, you should save time and avoid hassles. On the flip side, the preferred mechanic may use aftermarket parts to save on costs.

If you need a reliable auto shop for car accident repair, check out Sudden Impact Auto Body Repair.

  1. Take Your Vehicle to the Repair Shop

If your car isn’t drivable, you’ll have to decide how to get it to the auto shop. Verify if you have roadside assistance from your car insurance provider for towing.

Also, ask the insurance agent how long you have to wait until your vehicle is fixed. Most claims have a limitation statute that indicates the repair duration before the claim is considered invalid.

  1. Verify Things With the Insurance Company

Double-check with your insurer to get reimbursed for repairs and gather any repair shop paperwork you’ll need. You may want to get some agreements in writing from your insurance provider or the repair shop about expenses or reimbursement.

You’ll need to provide an itemized list of repairs and total costs, depending on your insurance company. Before repairs are made, some insurers want to look over the list before approving it. So make sure that the insurance company and the shop are on the same page.

When you make the claim, get a list of the repair criteria, then follow them.

  1. Pay for the Car Accident Repair

If you are found to be responsible for the accident, before your insurance company authorizes the repairs, you’ll have to pay your deductible. Your insurance company should work with the other driver’s insurance to reimburse you for your deductible if you are not at fault.

Instead of sending you the check, some insurers give it to the repair shop directly— especially if it’s a preferred autobody shop. Generally, claims are paid within 30 days.

Car Accident Repair Simplified

Car accident repair normally goes smoothly depending on the circumstances surrounding the collision. If you and the other driver are insured, you can count on one of the providers to take care of your auto repairs.

If this information was helpful, continue to read more of our blog. We publish content regarding automotive related topics. Read on to discover more.


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